Our seven entries for the HTA National Plant Show
We’ve entered seven varieties for the New Plant Awards at the Horticultural Trades Association (HTA) National Plant Show in June (2024).
They include two new Heucheras ‘Pinky Panky’ and ‘Snowy Panky’, two Philadelphus ‘Petite Perfume White’ and ‘Petite Perfume Pink’, Salvia ‘Golden Rosiene’, Sorbaria ‘Crimson Feather’ and Mahonia ‘Meteor’.
New Plant Awards

Andy Johnson, our Managing Director, says: “We’re so thrilled to have a stand once again this year and to be putting forward these seven exciting new plants to be judged at the show. It’s a vital, not to be missed, event in our diaries!
“Our 2024 entries have been selected to mirror some of the trends our retail customers are seeing instore. They are all beneficial for wildlife and some of them are ideal for those with smaller green spaces who want something stunning in a pot that’s easy to care for.
We’ve also chosen entries that can survive some of the changes in weather patterns we’re now experiencing and we’re really excited to see what the judges think of our selection too.
Our team
“Our knowledgeable, highly skilled and experienced team of professionals, including our Retail Sales Manager, Colin Stanley, our Garden Centre Sales Executive, Lisa Ashford and our Production Manager, Kyle Ross, will be there in Hall 1 at stand 41/50 and are really looking forward to chatting with everyone about our entries and all the plants we offer.
We still find our customers, old and new, want to meet us at events likes these. It’s a great opportunity to catch up with our colleagues from the industry too.
“We’re handing out our new full colour, printed 2025 catalogue at the show as well. It features some great new additions for retailers to consider for next year.”
Next bestselling new plant
The HTA National Plant Show takes place on Wednesday, June 19 and Thursday, June 20 in Halls 1 & 2 at NAEC Stoneleigh Park in Warwickshire.
Andy adds:
“The HTA National Plant Show is viewed in the industry as THE place for garden centres and retailers to find their next bestselling new plant – something that will fit the needs of their customers and that inspires them too.
“The New Plant Awards showcase the very best introductions from UK plant suppliers and it’s great to involved with our entries. We’ve been fortunate in recent years to have been very successful at the show and are excited to see how we fair this year too. Fingers crossed!”