What We Do
We sow, grow and nurture robust and healthy plants and other horticultural supplies for amenity landscape contractors, local authorities, foresters and landowners.
We are also wholesale plant suppliers to retailers and garden centres with attractive stock that’s appealing to consumers – delivering everything from individual trollies to lorries full.
Our highly skilled, experienced plantspeople produce and tend to nearly seven million plants annually across our 777 acres.
British sown & grown
Our British sown and grown stock, grown to National Plant Specifications, includes transplants, field and container trees and shrubs and herbaceous potted plants.
We’re one of a few horticultural nurseries left in the country with our own propagation facilities. This enables us to take cuttings from stock plants and sow responsibly sourced and certified seeds.
All-year-round supply
We pot on our own young plants along with those supplied from our working partners. This gives us an all-year-round supply of potted ready-grown trees from our open ground production too.
Our talented team regularly introduces innovative production methods and new, award-winning plant varieties.
Breadth & depth of expertise
With our breadth and depth of expertise and vast network of contacts, we’re able to offer you expert advice, plant solutions and fulfil your specific requirements.
We take biosecurity very seriously and are part of the Defra-endorsed Plant Health Alliance’s Plant Healthy Certification scheme. This ensures our customers receive the very best quality plants.
10 Decades
Our family-run business has been serving customers all across the UK since 1930.
120 Staff Members
Meet the team behind Wyevale Nurseries, a team of highly trained professionals.
777 Acres
Our own fertile British land, across four different sites, growing thousands of different varieties.
ISO14001 Accredited
We’re known for putting sustainability first, and there is no place for compromise.
Get in touch
For more information and a quote, please